How to Build & Test Your Unity Game

Let’s Play!

James Hills
2 min readJun 6, 2022

Now that I have a complete, error free, playable game, it’s time to check out the Build Settings and test the game play.

  • First, click on File at the top of the Unity screen.
  • Select Build Settings.
  • Make sure you have selected the Platform you wish to create. I chose the PC, Mac, & Linux Standalone, as this game was built for Windows.
  • At the bottom of the Build Settings window, select Player Settings.

Within the Player Settings windows there are many options. For now, we will focus on the “Resolution & Presentation” tab.

  • Click the “Resolution & Presentation” tab to expand its options.
  • Since I don’t yet have an option in the game to exit fullscreen mode, I selected the “Windowed” option and placed a checkmark in the “Resizable Window” option.
  • Next, close the Player Settings window.
  • On the Build Settings window, click on the “Build” button.
  • Give your build a name a select the folder where you want the build to be saved.

Unity will build the game and open the folder where it was saved.

Click the Build Button
  • Close the Build Settings window.

Let’s Play!

With the folder open, you will find the .EXE file. Double click that file and the game will play. Have fun.

Thank you for ready my article. I hope it was an enjoyable read. If you would like to see what I will be doing with this project next (some extras), please follow me on Medium.



James Hills

I am a married father of 5 children. I decided at 13 years of age that I was going to become a Software Developer.